Eurasian Customs Union - reminder to obtain EAC Notification prior to import.
Due to instability in the region for the last year, an anticipated shift of applications for EAC certification has been observed, whereby Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are now processing most of EAC Type Approval requests.
Following this shift, however, it became apparent that many manufacturers were unaware of a need to obtain EAC Notification prior to test sample shipping (where applicable), leading to delay in obtaining certification or prior to importing consignment to the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).
This article is therefore a reminder of what EAC Notification is, when it is required and products it applies to.
What is EAC Notification and when it is needed?
EAC Notification is often referred to as FSS, less often FSB or NSC Notifications, depending on the security body of EAC Member States by which it was issued.
It is required for most electronic equipment that uses encryption or cryptographic functionalities and must be obtained prior to importing a test sample (if applicable for EAC Type Approval process) or prior to first importation of the given equipment into the EAEU region.
It is paramount that when planning product compliance for the EAEU market, such notification is considered during project scoping stage to avoid delays and additional costs of good storage at the customs and other consequential costs.
What products require the EAC Notification?
A detailed list of products is given in the Appendix No. 2 to the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 30 of April 1, 2015.
It contains equipment that falls under 12 encryption categories. Such equipment includes, but not limited to:
· Computers (desktop, mobile, laptops and similar)
· Printers and copiers, MFP
· Servers and controllers
· Microphones
· Mobile phones
· Radio receivers
· Radio modules and cards
· Receivers and tuners for TV
· Game consoles
· Gateways & routers
· Other electronic equipment.
It should also be noted that the EAC Notification is not issued in a paper format. Once application for the notification is successful, an entry of the equipment registration will appear in the harmonized electronic register of notifications of the Customs Union.
If you have any questions on this article or require an EAC Notification, get in touch with our team at
Due to instability in the region for the last year, an anticipated shift of applications for EAC certification has been observed, whereby Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are now processing most of EAC Type Approval requests.
Following this shift, however, it became apparent that many manufacturers were unaware of a need to obtain EAC Notification prior to test sample shipping (where applicable), leading to delay in obtaining certification or prior to importing consignment to the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).
This article is therefore a reminder of what EAC Notification is, when it is required and products it applies to.
What is EAC Notification and when it is needed?
EAC Notification is often referred to as FSS, less often FSB or NSC Notifications, depending on the security body of EAC Member States by which it was issued.
It is required for most electronic equipment that uses encryption or cryptographic functionalities and must be obtained prior to importing a test sample (if applicable for EAC Type Approval process) or prior to first importation of the given equipment into the EAEU region.
It is paramount that when planning product compliance for the EAEU market, such notification is considered during project scoping stage to avoid delays and additional costs of good storage at the customs and other consequential costs.
What products require the EAC Notification?
A detailed list of products is given in the Appendix No. 2 to the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 30 of April 1, 2015.
It contains equipment that falls under 12 encryption categories. Such equipment includes, but not limited to:
· Computers (desktop, mobile, laptops and similar)
· Printers and copiers, MFP
· Servers and controllers
· Microphones
· Mobile phones
· Radio receivers
· Radio modules and cards
· Receivers and tuners for TV
· Game consoles
· Gateways & routers
· Other electronic equipment.
It should also be noted that the EAC Notification is not issued in a paper format. Once application for the notification is successful, an entry of the equipment registration will appear in the harmonized electronic register of notifications of the Customs Union.
If you have any questions on this article or require an EAC Notification, get in touch with our team at